Agniveer Army Bharti: Application, Eligibility, Salary

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Agniveer Army Bharti – Indian Army Agnipath Scheme is a popular hiring scheme launched by the Defense Ministry of India. Every year, the Indian Army hires thousands of Agniveers. Young Indian Male and Female candidates eligible for this scheme can apply online. 

In Agniveer Yojana or Agneepath Scheme, young candidates can serve in the Indian Army for four years. In these 4 years, they get Army training and a good salary with other benefits that we will discuss later in this article. Read this article for detailed information: 

Agniveer Army Bharti
Agniveer Army Bharti

What is Agniveer Army Bharti 

Agniveer Army Bharti is a defense hiring scheme in which the Army wing of Indian defense forces hires young, eligible candidates to serve the country. The Army hires male and female candidates by a predetermined Agniveer Army selection process.

Agniveer Army Bharti is a part of the Agniveer yojana, under which all three defense forces, Army, Navy, and Air Force, recruit new personnel for various posts. 

Benefits of Army Agniveer

Selected candidates will get several benefits in Agniveer Army Bharti. Some of the benefits are given below: 

  1. Agniveers get a one-time Seva Nidhi Package, which consists of their savings plus interest, matched by a corresponding contribution from the Government.
  2. Agniveers get 48 lakh rupees of life insurance coverage. For this, they don’t need to pay any charge. 
  3. The Army allows 30 days of leave per year and also provides free medical facilities
  4. Army Agniveers also get Canteen facilities.
  5. Agniveers get a reservation of 10% in various defense vacancies, such as Assam Rifles, CAPFs, Coast Guard, and Defense PSU.
  6. The Army provides additional benefits in case an Army Agniveer dies or is disabled while on service.
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Indian Army Agniveer Salary Benefits

Here is a detailed table of Army Agniveer Salary Benefits:

YearCustomisedPackage{Monthly)In Hand(70%)Contribution toAgniveer CorpusFund (30%)Contribution tocorpus fund byGoI
1st Year₹30000₹21000₹9000₹9000
2nd Year₹33000₹23100₹9900₹9900
3rd Year₹36500₹25580₹10950₹10950
4th Year₹40000₹28000₹12000₹12000
Total contribution in Agniveer Corpus Fund after four yearsRs 5.02 LakhRs 5.02 Lakh
Exit After 4 YearRs 10.04 Lakh as Seva Nidhi Package(Absolute amount excluding Interest)

Agniveer Bharti Job Duration

The service duration of an Agniveer in the Indian Army is four years. After this duration, some Agniveers get a chance to serve permanently. The Army hires these magnifiers for permanent job profiles according to their performance and behavior during four years of service. 

Eligibility for Agniveer Army Bharti

Army Agniveer Age Limit

The minimum age limit for the Agniveer army is 17.5 years, and the maximum is 21 years. This age limit is fixed for all posts in Agniveer Army Bharti

Education Qualifications for Agniveer Army 

Ser. NoPost nameEducation Qualification
(1)Agniveer (General Duty)Class 10th /Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. In the grading system of D grade (33% – 40%) in each subject and Overall equivalent to 45%.
Note: Candidates with valid Driving Licence will be given preference for Driver post. 
(2)Agniveer (Tech) 10+2/Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths (PCM) and English with min 50% marks in aggregate and 40% in each subject.OR10+2 /Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with PCM and English from any recognized State/Central Education Board to include NIOS andMinimum one year ITI course in a related field.OR10th /Matric Pass with 50% in aggregate and minimum 40% in English, Maths and Science with 02 Years of Technical Training from ITI or two/three years Diploma in related trades. 
(3)Agniveer Office Assistant / Store Keeper Technical10+2 Pass in Arts/ Commerce/ Science with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Minimum 50% is mandatory in English & Maths/Accounts /Book Keeping in Class XII.
(4)Agniveer Tradesmen 10th pass10th Pass only with minimum 33% in each subject.
(5)Agniveer Tradesmen 8th pass8th Pass only with minimum 33% in each subject.
(6)Agniveer (General Duty) Women in Corps of Military PoliceClass 10th /Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. In the grading system of D grade (33% – 40%) in each subject and Overall equivalent to 45%.
Note: Candidates with valid Driving Licence will be given preference for Driver post. 

Physical Eligibility Criteria for Army Agniveer

Candidates who want to qualify Agniveer Army Bharti must be physically fit. 

See also  Indian Army NCC Scheme Vacancy: इंडियन आर्मी में बिना परीक्षा सीधे भर्ती जारी, बस NCC का सर्टिफिकेट चाहिए
PostHeight (In Cms)Chest (In Cms)
Agniveer(General Duty)17077/82
Agniveer (Technical)17077/82
Agniveer (Clerk/Store Keeper Technical)16277/82
Agniveer (Tradesmen)17076/81

Physical Standards for Special Category

CategoryHeight (In Cms)
Ladaki, Gorkhas both Nepalese and Indian157
Candidates from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Group including Minicoy [(i) Settlers and (ii) Locals](i) 165(ii) 155
Tribals of Recognized Tribal Areas 162
The Brigade of Guards, Corps of Military Police173
Clk (GD)/SKT162

Selection Process of Army Agniveer

  • Computer Based Test
  • Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
  • Physical Measurement
  • Medical Test

Useful Links

Apply for Agniveer Army Click here
Official PortalClick here
Agneepath SchemeClick here


Q 1. What is the salary of Army Agniveer?

Ans. Army Agniveer will get a monthly salary of ₹30000 in 1st year, ₹33000 in 2nd year, ₹36500 in  3rd year and ₹40000 in 4th year.  

Q 2. What is the qualification for Agniveer?

Ans. The minimum education qualification for Agniveer is a 10th pass with 45% marks and a minimum of 33% in each subject. 

Q 3. Can Agniveer become permanent?

Ans. Yes, After successfully completing four years, the Indian Army hires up to 25% of Agniveers on permanent posts according to Army requirements.


The Indian Army is constantly hiring Agniveers for a strong army. It is a great opportunity for candidates who want to join the Indian Army, for this, candidates can apply for Agniveer Army Bharti

In conclusion of this post, there are many good things about the Agneepath Scheme, but there are some drawbacks to this scheme. In the future, the Indian Army will fix these drawbacks based on Agniveer’s review.

See also  Indian Army NCC Scheme Vacancy: इंडियन आर्मी में बिना परीक्षा सीधे भर्ती जारी, बस NCC का सर्टिफिकेट चाहिए

Jitendra Saini

My name is Jitendra Saini, I'm a blogger since 2019. I'm a expert Writer and Researcher in various fields like Govt Jobs, Govt Schemes, Trending aspects of society. I have worked on so many websites as a Content writer like NaukriHelp, Appno rojgar, Rojgar Bulletin etc. I always try to Deliver best and true information to my Audience.

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